Congratulations on becoming an official state contestant in the Miss Mississippi USA® and Miss Mississippi Teen USA® program! 

Below are links to the various pageant forms you are required to complete and submit to the pageant office. Please follow the instructions and make every effort to meet your paperwork's a great way to develop the necessary skills needed to be a titleholder. 

If you have any questions, please contact us at or 615-891-0557. 

You must have Adobe Reader in order to open some of these forms.

You can download this FREE software by clicking on the button below.

Official Contestant Handbook

This is your official Contestant Handbook containing important information regarding your participation in the pageant. Please read carefully and if you have any questions contact the pageant office.

Official State Contract

This PDF file contains your entry form/agreement. Please print, sign, and return these pages to the pageant office.

Official Online Forms

Below are links to vaious online pageant forms. If you have any questions please contact us at

Program Book Information and Sponsor Form

Each contestant will be featured in the program book. Your feature will include your name, title, one color photo. A list of no more than 12 sponsors will also be featured in the Contestant Sponsor section of the program book. 

Each contestant will be featured in the program book. Your feature will include your name, title, one color photo. A list of no more than 12 sponsors will also be featured in the Contestant Sponsor section of the program book. 

Personal History Form 

Use this Word document to input your information. This profile sheet will be given to the judges to use during your interview. Do not allow your answers to exceed one page. Additional pages will not be used.

NOTE: You can and should save this form after you input your information. Submit the completed file to the pageant office by e-mail,
Do not mail a hard copy.  

Spotlight Page Information

You may have a sponsor (business, family member, or friend) that would prefer to purchase a Spotlight Page in the official program book as a way to support you. Full page ads sell for $350. If you sell 5 Spotlight Pages, you will receive a rebate of $350. You may also sell the back cover ($1,000), inside front cover ($750), or inside back cover ($750) of the official pageant program book to a sponsor. Please call the pageant office to see if they are still available. This is a great way to give YOU and your sponsor additional exposure during the pageant weekend and a great way for them to wish you good luck and best wishes. Miss Photogenic will be selected by local media from photos submitted in Spotlight Pages. Your full name must be included somewhere on the ad. The ad is showing support of YOU, so the purchase of an ad does not make your sponsor one of the official pageant sponsors. Download this PDF for additional information, example of Spotlight Pages, and how to submit your Ad. 

Spotlight Ad Page Purchase 

Enter Contestant Name:

Spotlight Ad Page: $350 payment plus 3.5% Handling Fee: $363.00

If you are interested in purchasing the Back Cover ($1,000), Inside Front Cover ($750), or Inside Back Cover ($750), please call the pageant office to see if they are still available.

PLEASE NOTE: By hitting "Buy Now" below, you agree to pay the 3.5% handling fee, understand all fees are non-refundable, and agree not to dispute any PayPal or credit card charges prior to or following the competition. Your Paypal payment will appear on your credit card statement as paid to "Greenwood Productions" the official producers of the state pageant.  

Hair and Make-Up Release Forms

There is a $250 fee for contestants to bring hair and make-up artists on site. This fee will cover the room, table, chair and electricity to be used before the Preliminary Competition and Final Competition. This does NOT cover the Hair/Makeup Artist's services. You will be responsible for booking/paying the Hair/Make-Up Artist on your own.

Please make your payment in the online payment section of the web site and submit your form by November 1. Your Hair/Make-Up Artist will also need to submit their form below (you can click on the Artist link, copy the web address in your browser and paste it in an email to your Hair/Make-Up Artist).



PO Box 1658
Collierville, TN 38027


Phone: +1 (615) 891-0557